Key Constitutional Provisions Essential to a Reunited Ireland



The constitution embodies the system of beliefs and laws that forms the basis for defining, controlling and safeguarding the nation and its institutions. It protects individual rights and liberties and puts the levers of governmental powers in the hands of the citizens. It is the supreme law of the land, the guardrails that all must abide by.



The preamble shall set forth the intentions of the framers in establishing the constitution for a reunited Ireland. In itself, the preamble will not define government powers or individual rights. Its sole purpose will be to introduce the people to the constitution. It shall identify the constitution’s defining principles which will be rooted in humanity, democracy, and the rule of law.


Body of the Constitution


Supremacy Clause

Constitutional supremacy is the principle that states that the constitution reigns supreme above parliamentary prerogatives, statutes, or overreach. It also means that every individual, whether private citizen or government official, must abide by and bear allegiance to the constitution.


Office of the President

The constitution shall define the role of the President in a reunited Federal Irish Republic. In addition to the Presidents role as head of state and supreme commander of the Republics defense forces, the President will also chair the Council of State.  The constitution will also define a presidential candidate’s eligibility and qualifications for office, how elected, duration and term(s) of office.


Council of State

The Council of State will be responsible for advising the President, safeguarding the constitution and adjudicating national/regional governmental jurisdictional conflicts.  The council shall consist of twelve members, three from each regional government and three from the national government. 


Charter of Rights

A Charter of Rights will safeguard the fundamental dignity and importance of the individual.  It will safeguard the right to life, liberty, and security of person. It will also safeguard other rights including but not limited to citizenship rights, civil rights, property rights, voting rights, freedom of expression, and equal protection under the law.  The constitution shall guarantee universal health care as a fundamental right.


Government Structures

The new government structures will be delineated in the constitution.

The reunited Ireland envisioned will be an all-Ireland Federal Parliamentary Republic comprised of three distinct regions namely, 1) the Ulster Region encompassing  the nine counties of Ulster, 2) the Munster/Connacht Region encompassing the eleven counties of Munster and Connacht, and 3) the Leinster Region encompassing the twelve counties of Leinster. The union of Connacht and Munster into a single region would lend economic equity and political balance to what would be lacking in a standalone Connacht and to a lesser extent, in a standalone Munster.


Government Powers

The constitution will delineate the division of government powers between the national and regional governments.  Generally, powers reserved for the national government will be those that blanket the nation as a whole to protect its people, security, independence and territorial integrity as well as effectively representing the nation on the world stage.  By the same token, powers reserved for regional governments will be those best exercised at the regional level when the outcome will directly affect the people of the region.  Local authorities will derive their devolved powers from their respective regional government.


Constituencies and Electoral Regions

The division of government powers between the national and regional governments will necessitate a redo of national and regional constituencies and the number of voters per constituency. As the scope of the national government responsibilities will decrease, the number of elected representatives will decrease accordingly. The number of regional level representatives will be based on municipal districts or a multiple thereof.  Representatives to local and city councils will continue to utilize the existing system.


Separation of Church and State

A Separation of Church and State clause will prevent the government from regulating religious institutions or supporting, promoting, or granting special status to any religion over another or to any individual over another because of religious beliefs or affiliations. It will safeguard an individual's right to hold any or no religious belief without prejudice in either the public or private arena. It would also guarantee that religious morality is not legislated to the detriment of nonconformists or others with differing values.


Independent Judicial System

The independence of the judiciary is a sacrosanct constitutional right. As guardian of the constitution, the Judiciary will be independent of and free from improper influence by other branches of government and/or from private or partisan interests. To that end, the process of selecting candidates for judgeships will be rigorous, and independent of political influence.  It will be solely based on a candidate’s qualifications, ethics, independence and legal skills.  Judges who do not fulfill their duties as set forth in the constitution will be removed in accordance with constitutionally proscribed procedures to protect the integrity of the institution.


 Election Integrity

The integrity of elections will be protected from undue influence by political parties, illicit financing, gerrymandering, threats etc.  In order to do so, the constitution will set the framework for how elections are organized and conducted, how political campaigns are funded, voting requirements and accessibility, vote counting and election verification procedures.   


Political Parties

Political parties can be freely established in accordance with universally established democratic principles.

Any political party that threatens the democratic order or endangers the existence of the Federal Irish Republic will be referred to the Council of State to determine if the party is in violation of the constitution, and if found to be so, disbarred.

Parties shall account annually for their funds, sources of income and all assets.



Freedom of Information

A Freedom of Information clause will ensure that government officials conduct the affairs of state for the common good in accordance with democratic norms. Unencumbered access to official government information is essential to allow the people to make informed decisions regarding which government policies to support or oppose or how to cast one’s vote. It also guards against government corruption or undue influence on government officials by corporate lobbyists or wealthy individuals.     


Amending the Constitution

As the constitution is the supreme law of the land it’s essential that amendments be rigorous requiring considerable effort and national support. Therefore, the requirements for amending the constitution must be deliberate and process-driven to guard against populist demands or crises that may be imagined, manufactured or transient in nature.  The following fundamental elements shall not be the object of an amendment. 

1. The supremacy of the constitution.

2. The integrity of national territory

3. The Republican form of government



Date posted 8/6/2022

Updated  10/22/2023