The Proposed Federal System of Government for a Reunited Ireland



In order to accommodate the reunification of Ireland it will be necessary to replace the existing government systems in both the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland with one combined system of government that allows for the maximum distribution of government powers and regional autonomy. The prospect of such a system would cast Irish reunification in a more favorable light for the people of Northern Ireland as it would provide for regional autonomy and thus, prevent their province from being absorbed into the Dublin-based government.  By the same token, it would find favor with the people of Southern Ireland living outside the pale as it would dethrone Dublin as the epicenter of political and economic power and decision making.  The prevailing Dublin-centric government mindset is widely viewed as detrimental to the rest of the country.

The Eire Athaontaithe proposal for a Reunited Ireland would be an all-Ireland Federal Parliamentary Republic comprised of three distinct regions namely, 1) the Ulster Region encompassing  the nine counties of Ulster, 2) the Munster/Connacht Region encompassing the eleven counties of Munster and Connacht, and 3) the Leinster Region encompassing the twelve counties of Leinster. The union of Connacht and Munster into a single region would lend economic equity and political balance to what would be lacking in a standalone Connacht and to a lesser extent, in a standalone Munster.

The new arrangement would be underpinned by a new constitution that would provide for the distribution of governmental powers between the national and regional governments. Powers delegated to the national government would be national in scope and include national defense, territorial integrity, foreign affairs, human rights and citizenship and any other power deemed national in scope. Powers reserved for provincial governments would include all other powers not reserved for the national government including but not limited to civil and criminal justice, health and social welfare, education, agriculture and rural affairs and economic development.

Some shared powers would include taxation, the judicial system, infrastructure and the environment, interprovincial and international trade.

Local Authorities will derive their devolved powers from their respective regional governments.

The new Federal Republic would adopt a unicameral parliamentary system of government at both the national and provincial levels.


The Constitution 

The constitution embodies the system of beliefs and laws that forms the basis for defining, controlling and safeguarding the nation and its institutions. It protects individual rights and liberties and puts the levers of governmental powers in the hands of the citizens. It is the supreme law of the land, its guardrails that all must abide by.


Head of State

The President will be the Head of State and Supreme Commander of the armed forces.

The President will chair a Council of State responsible for ensuring that national and regional legislation is consistent with the constitution. Non-conforming legislation will be either modified by the responsible legislature or referred to the Supreme Court for adjudication.

The President will represent the Irish nation and its people on the world stage and fulfill other ceremonial duties as set forth in the constitution.

The President will be elected by the universal suffrage of the Irish people.


The Council of State

The Council of State will be comprised of eminent individuals with a proven background in either constitutional law, the legal profession, government service or other professions consistent with the work of the Council.  Members will be selected by the national and regional governments and submitted to the President for consideration. 

The nature of the Councils deliberations, the number of members and terms of office etc., will be addressed in the constitution.    


The National Government

Dail Eireann, the National Parliament -- will be composed of a single chamber of deputies elected by universal suffrage utilizing a system of proportional representation. The national parliament will be responsible for electing a Prime Minister, confirming cabinet ministers nominated by the Prime Minister, initiating and enacting national legislation, and approving the national budget.

Executive Branch ---The Prime Minister, as head of the Executive Branch, will be responsible for nominating cabinet members for approval by the national parliament. The Executive Branch will manage the affairs of state as mandated by national legislation. It would do so through its governmental departments and agencies.

All Executive Branch members including the Prime Minister and cabinet members will be elected members of the Dail.

The Judiciary --- Courts residing at the national level will include the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and the High Court.  The High Court will maintain a presence in each of the regions.

Judges operating at the national level will be nominated by the government on the advice of an Advisory Board and appointed by the President.


Regional Governments

Regional Assemblies will be comprised of a single chamber of representatives elected by the people of the region utilizing a system of proportional representation.  Regional assemblies will be responsible for electing a Chief Executive, confirming Department Administrators nominated by the Chief Executive, initiating and passing regional legislation and approving the regional budget.

The Executive Branch will include an Executive Council comprised of a Chief Executive and Department Administrators for the following departments; local governments, infrastructure, economy, agriculture, environment, education, finance, health, justice and the executive office. The Executive office will be headed by the Chief Executive.

All Executive Branch members including the Chief Executive and Department Administrators will be elected members of their respective Regional assembly,

The Judicial Branch will be comprised of Criminal Courts, Civil Courts and County Courts. Regional courts decisions can be appealed to the High Court assigned to the region. Judges for the court system will be nominated by the Executive Council on the advice of a Judicial Appointments Board and appointed by the President.


Local Authorities

Local Authorities will function at the county and city levels of government. City and County Councilors would be elected in accordance with a system of proportional representation, Council seats would be in accordance with Municipal District breakdown allocations. Local Authorities will derive their powers from their respective Regional Assembly.  Their responsibilities would include roads, water and sewer, local planning and economic development, fire services, recreation and other such services provided at the local level. Local Authorities would also be responsible for maintaining the register of electors.

Elected Councilors would be responsible for approving local budgets, by-laws and regulations and policies with respect to government functions within the scope of their responsibilities. They would also appoint a Chief Executive to manage government departments and personnel responsible for providing the public services in accordance with policy decisions set forth by the elected Councilors.


Municipal Districts

Local Councilors would maintain offices in each Municipal District to facilitate meetings with community groups and constituents to discuss issues of concerns or unresolved issues with local or provincial government departments or agencies.


Date posted 8/6/2022

Updated  10/22/2023