Overview of
a Reunited Ireland
The reunification of Ireland will require compromise by the political
entities on both sides of the border and an acknowledgement by the
British government that the lingering remnants of its colonial rule in
Ireland is
not conducive to peace.
If the Irish people of all traditions are given options for reunification and the facts associated with each option,
they will see that the federal option described on this website is the only one that guarantees the
right to equality, unfettered regional control and, regional
representation in a national government.
The federal option proffered herein would organize Ireland's thirty-two counties
into a Federal
Parliamentary Republic comprised of three distinct regions namely, 1) the Ulster Region
encompassing the nine counties of Ulster, 2) the Connacht/Munster Region encompassing the eleven counties of Munster and Connacht, and
3) the Leinster Region encompassing the twelve counties of
The union of Munster and Connacht into a federal region would lend
economic equity and political balance to what would be lacking in a
standalone Connacht and to a lesser extent, in a standalone Munster.
The proposed federation would be underpinned by a new constitution that
would provide for the allotment of governmental powers between a
national and regional governments. The new constitution would be the
nation’s supreme authority that all government entities and the public
at large would bear allegiance to.